Before talking about the best foods to get all your fat-soluble vitamins first, you need to know what the difference between fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins is.
You can find a huge difference between both of them, at the cellular level fat-soluble vitamins penetrate the cell membrane and they go right into the nucleus, and they connect with receptors that can activate certain genes whereas, water-soluble vitamins are more like coenzymes they are kind of helper molecules that don't go that far into the nucleus, so these fat-soluble vitamins are essential vitamin.
A D E K1 K2 and other things are facial in like your vegetables and things phytonutrients right especially carotenoids like lutein zeaxanthin which are essential for your eye and they have anti-cancer properties and there are benefits of chlorophyll in certain plants and so what you need to know about fat-soluble vitamins is that like dissolves light you need to add some fat to absorb these fossil nutrients thus adding olive oil to your salad to extract phytonutrients and also when you take the fat-soluble vitamins it's important to either consume them with a meal or add a little bit of oil or fat to them to increase your absorption.
Unfortunately manufacturing companies to extract these fat-soluble nutrients as well as certain oils to make like your salad dressing out of soy or corn or canola oil they have to use they don't use fat they use solvents like hexane for example so, certain chemicals have properties to help dissolve and break down and extract these fat-soluble elements. now the other really important thing to know about fat-soluble nutrients in general is this to absorb those nutrients they are dependent on bile from your gallbladder, the liver makes bile and it's stored in the gallbladder and without bile you cannot absorb these nutrients so bile is necessary if you have your gallbladder out, if you have a sluggish gallbladder, if you have problems with your liver let's say you have a fatty liver or whatever that is going to diminish the bile and diminish your absorption of those nutrients and you may not even know you have a subclinical deficiency for quite some time unless you understand all the different signs and symptoms of those deficiencies but bile that's made by your liver gets stored in the gallbladder and then that acts on the fatty food that you eat to break down some of the fat to a certain level, kind of emulsifies the fat so then your pancreas specifically the enzyme lipase can come in there and break down that fat to the level of where you need it so you can absorb it into your intestine.
If you have problems with the pancreas and you don't have that enzyme that could be the other reason why you're not absorbing these fat-soluble nutrients and one of these symptoms for a pancreatic problem like even pancreatitis would be skid marks on your toilet bowl and your stool floats so those are two indications that you're not absorbing the fat from your food it's a simple way to identify but also if you have gut damage, for example, you have scar tissue in the lining of your intestine or you have inflammation, you're not going to be able to absorb the fat-soluble nutrients nearly as well if at all.
A lot of people are deficient in these nutrients even though they're taking them because there's gut damage deep inside the other thing you need to know is that these vitamins both falsifiable and water-soluble come in complexes they don't come as one nutrient so anytime you take one of something and not the others in the normal complex you can throw all the balance of these nutrients and throw out the absorption, for example, let's take vitamin E you have Alpha Beta Delta gamma tocopherols.
You also have the same thing with the tocotrienols and then in that complex, you have selenium so every vitamin complex comes with its own mineral. vitamin A helps you differentiate certain cells so in other words if you're deficient in vitamin A you can have cells that form on your eye that are not part of the eye and on your skin both externally outside and internally all the skin on the inside of your body if you have like rough dry skin that could be a vitamin A deficiency because the cells are not reproducing the cells that should be there, they're reproducing a kind of a rougher version of that cell.
Vitamin A is really important for your immune system for viruses, and it's not really known, and people don't talk about it, but this is why you know you should not go on a low-fat diet to help the immune system you need to go on a higher fat diet to help your immune system fertility is dependent on vitamin A. A lot of times people talk about the toxicity of vitamin A but what about the deficiency of vitamin A and what that can produce for this growing baby remember these fat-soluble vitamins go right into the DNA and they affect the genes and the chromosomes, especially for growth and development of a child but hands down retinol are the best form of vitamin A that's the most bioavailable it gets absorbed versus the beta-carotene which they also call Vitamin A but they don't really tell you only a very tiny bit of beta-carotene gets absorbed.
So, you're not going to get your you're needed and required vitamin A from beta-carotene so this is why plant-based beta-carotene well it's good for certain things but it's definitely not going to give you the retinol the active type of vitamin A that you really need all right now let's talk about vitamin D. vitamin D is you know it acts like a hormone more than a vitamin and it's very similar to cortisol because it can help you with inflammation it's involved with the immune system and it's actually made by your own skin you can make Vitamin D from UV radiation from the Sun and what's interesting people are scared about too much UV causing skin cancer but you need UV to make vitamin D which actually prevents skin cancer so the burning effect of the sun which creates the damage so if you're out there in the Sun and you just don't let yourself get burnt it's going to be totally fine because you're going to get enough vitamin D as well as other benefits from the Sun like infrared which helps build up your melatonin which is a very fascinating molecule.
Bone health and immune Health can help lower your blood pressure you can increase your mood it's an anti-inflammatory. it gets rid of the pain so, a very important vitamin, vitamin E is very important for neurological conditions as well as your muscles if you're deficient in vitamin A you're going to find that your muscles are just so weak, so they strengthen your muscle and also very important in the heart. heart health both in the heart muscle as well as in the inside of the arteries that go to the heart so if there's a deficiency of vitamin E you're not going to be able to have that protection against oxidation things like that the heart tends to cramp more than it should because of the relationship between vitamin E and helping you carry more oxygen load in the heart on the top of every mountain peak that people climb you'll see empty bottles of vitamin E because it helps them with more oxygen in higher altitudes.
Vitamin K1 clotting: if you're deficient in vitamin K1 you can have problems even synthesizing DNA so it goes right down to the core then but of course, vitamin K2 is vital in directing calcium where it should be going it helps you transport calcium from the wrong place to the right place. These fat-soluble vitamins help you absorb certain minerals like vitamin A helps you absorb iodine, and vitamin D helps you absorb calcium by a factor of 20x that's a lot so all you need is a little bit of vitamin D to really increase your calcium if you don't have enough vitamin D you're not going to absorb too much calcium and then vitamin K2 like I said helps transport the calcium so it works with vitamin D3 and these come together if you're going to take them as a supplement.
Now about the foods, you can get these fat cyber vitamins a lot more if it's pasture-raised grass-fed wild caught because when these animals are fed grains the vitamin E gets destroyed and if someone tells you, you can get your vitamin E from grains the problem is you have to grind the grain. you're not going to eat Just Grains by themselves you're going to grind the grain as soon as you expose it to oxygen and sunlight it's going to be destroyed shortly after that, so grains are not a good source of vitamin E. let’s talk about the foods egg yolk, egg yolk hands down are like a fat-soluble complex supplement, you're going to get every single fat-soluble nutrient you need including vitamin E.
Number two Cod Liver, as well as Cow liver oil, are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids as well as these fat-soluble vitamins specifically vitamin A and vitamin D and omega-3 and you can also do the cod liver oil either as itself or in a little pearl one of the problems is that when people take it, they tend to burp more with it so there is a solution you can get cod liver oil as a powder.
Fatty fish is another really good source of these fat-soluble nutrients and vitamin A D E K1 K2 as well as omega-3 fatty acids.
Number four fish eggs: now you might not like the taste of fish eggs, but you can get them as supplements out of all the things that are good for women who are pregnant who want to help create this amazing baby, fish eggs are at the top of the list as well as women trying to become more fertile or men becoming more fertile this will do it.
Number five is liver and other organ Meats: it has loads of vitamin A, vitamin D, E, and K and all the other fat-soluble nutrients you don't need much, but this should be number one. Number six poultry fat it’s not highly recommended to consume chicken unless it has the skin on it and the fat the amount of fat-soluble nutrients in the skin is fantastic you have vitamin A D E as well as K and the chicken thigh has the most vitamin E which is interesting. Shellfish are really good for fat-soluble nutrients as well as trace minerals.
Number eight cheese and cream: European cheese is the best usually in America we consume more pasteurized cheese but in Europe, they have a lot of raw cheeses that are just amazing and cream, if you could find some raw cream, there's nothing better than raw cream.
Number nine is grass-fed butter: it's loaded with vitamin A vitamin D E K1 and definitely K2.