Cholesterol is one of those things that we’ve been trained to fear, especially if we have high cholesterol levels. But what exactly does high cholesterol mean? Is it something you need to treat? And how do you know whether your cholesterol levels are high in the first place? In this article, we’ll discuss cholesterol, including the symptoms and causes of high cholesterol and the foods that can help keep your cholesterol levels under control.

What is high cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a condition that can lead to serious health problems. People with high cholesterol have an excess amount of fat in their blood. High levels of this fat can lead to heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases. There are two types of high cholesterol: primary (or familial) hypercholesterolemia, which has genetic causes; and secondary hypercholesterolemia, which is caused by some type of underlying medical condition or lifestyle factor, such as diet or lack of exercise.

The difference between good and bad cholesterol

Good cholesterol, also called HDL cholesterol, helps remove bad cholesterol from your arteries. Bad cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol, can create blockages in your arteries which could lead to heart disease. The best way to keep your heart healthy is by making sure you have the right amount of both good and bad cholesterol in your body. Here are a few ways you can do that

Symptoms of high cholesterol

High cholesterol is a condition in which the blood contains too much LDL cholesterol, or bad cholesterol. This can lead to clogged arteries and hardening of the arteries. The symptoms may include chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, sweating, nausea or vomiting, lightheadedness, fatigue or unexplained weight loss. Some people have no symptoms at all.

Causes of high cholesterol

High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. This can lead to a decrease in quality of life as well as death. The most common causes of high cholesterol are genetics, eating high-fat foods, poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol excessively or binge drinking.

How to prevent high cholesterol

There are many ways you can prevent high cholesterol. The following are some suggestions that have been proven effective: 

-Eating healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and good fats.

Reducing alcohol intake.

Exercising more often.

Limiting the amount of saturated fat in your diet.

Getting plenty of sleep every night.