Most people drink water to stay hydrated, but this is not the best way to stay hydrated. In fact, drinking plain water can actually lead to dehydration in some cases. Even mild dehydration can affect your physical and mental energy levels, so it’s important to understand how to hydrate correctly as opposed to simply drinking plenty of water every day. Here are some alternatives to water that you might want to try out instead of drinking water when trying to stay hydrated.

The case against water

It's true that you need at least eight cups of water a day for your body to function properly. And, of course, there are other benefits to drinking lots of H2O: it helps flush toxins out of your system and it can help keep skin healthy. But all too often, people mistake thirst signals for hunger cues and drink more than they need. The result is an imbalance in electrolytes and an increased risk of health problems like heart disease. 

A lot of Americans get enough sodium through salt consumption, but not enough potassium or magnesium. Unless you eat plenty of bananas (or other potassium-rich foods) or use a supplement (check with your doctor first!), drinking too much water can lead to low levels of these nutrients in your blood—a condition called hypokalemia.

More effective ways to stay hydrated

Water is not the only way to stay hydrated. In fact, it might not even be the most effective. Studies have shown that drinking too much water can lead to serious health issues, and there are a number of other ways people can get their recommended daily intake of fluids. For example: 

-drink juice or milk instead of soda 

-drink tea or coffee (remember, caffeine is a diuretic) 

-eat cucumbers, tomatoes or melons for some extra fluid -avoid sugary foods and drinks 

-take short walks in hot weather 

-stay away from cigarettes

Why we should rethink our relationship with water

Water is not the best way to stay hydrated. The human body can only absorb a maximum of 8 ounces of fluid per hour, so if you drink too much, your body will just excrete what it doesn't need. In fact, drinking too much water can lead to hyponatremia-a condition in which sodium levels in your blood get too low and your brain starts swelling. If you're feeling thirsty, try eating something salty (like pretzels) instead! And don't forget about all the other things that are healthy for us: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, protein sources like tofu or eggs with cheese or nuts, even tea or coffee.